
Lunch Lady N1

Inspired by the LL blog, publishing partners Louise Bannister + Lara Burke teamed up with Kate and created Lunch Lady magazine - a quarterly publication about food + family.

Where parenting is not taken too seriously but where a balanced approach to family life is. Colourful, thoughtful and full of cheek. Lunch Lady magazine reminds parents to keep things in perspective and have fun. A kitchen keepsake full of recipes, recipes, recipes and real life family stories, photography features, art + cooking ideas for kids and humorous opinion pieces about the ups and down of parenting.


160 pages - Quarterly


Zucchini and Feta Fritters, Chocolate and Date Balls, Raspberry Icy Pole, Shortbread, Ricotta, Cherry Jam, Mixed Berry Crumble Bars, Chocolate and Almond Butter ... and more


Roadtrip to Uluru, Cherry Pit Spitting, Fruit Stickers, Big Roadside Attractions, Kitchens in the Seventies ... and more

From £15.75
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