
Delayed Gratification N20

Are you exhausted by the 24-hour news cycle, never-ending tweets and live blogs telling you what is happening minute-by-minute but never explaining what it means? Are you tired of the short attention spans, PR-driven stories, knee-jerk reactions and churnalism of much of the mainstream media? We were: so we decided to swim against the tide, and in January 2011 we launched Delayed Gratification, the world's first Slow Journalism magazine. It's a beautiful printed quarterly publication which revisits the events of the previous three months to see what happened after the dust settled and the news agenda moved on. It boasts fascinating long-form journalism from some of the world's best writers, alongside glorious infographics and photography and original cover art. Slow News is Good News Like the Slow Travel and Slow Food movements, Slow Journalism is dedicated to taking time to produce something of quality. Unlike most media organisations, we don't spend our days trying to beat Twitter to the chase. Instead, we allow journalists and editors the time to do what they do best: canvass expert opinion, sift evidence, gain perspective and deliver the final analysis on stories. Delayed Gratification is a unique, quirky, good-looking publication that's designed to be collected and treasured. In a world that's constantly speeding up, we are proud to be 'last to breaking news'.

From £12.00
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